To register for a FREE scholastic chess tournament hosted by The Right Move (TRM), please use the heading “Register here” from the website
To join or renew USCF dues on-site for one full year costs $12 for Scholastic players age 19 and under. The Right Move encourages you to renew and recruit new members to join on-site at the $12 rate to help grow chess throughout your community.
Please send your entry as soon as possible to guarantee making one of the limited slots into the tournament.
- To Register: It’s best to use the website “Register here”
- Check in before 9:30 to play Rd 1 at 10:00. See website for full details
- There are 6 sections for the tournament. USCF rated sections are:
- AWE (Adults are welcome!),
- King (USCF rated above 1300),
- Queen (USCF Above 900 or unrated),
- Rook (USCF Above 500 or unrated),
- kNight, (USCF Under 500)
- Pawn (Reserved for Grade 3 and Below, Rated under 300).
- Sections need a minimum of 6 players or will be combined. All sections begin at 10:00. Check in before 9:30 or you will not be playing round 1. There will be an AWE section which may include adults + kids. Current USCF members only. This is a USCF-Rated tournament.
- Space is limited to 180 players at this site. Only current USCF members. New players are most welcome to join the USCF for a $12 fee. Membership is good for one entire year. Immediately upon completing 4 rated games each unrated player receives a rating.
- Awards: Trophies are awarded to First, Second and Third Place in each of the six sections. Medals are won by scoring 2.5 or more points in any section. There are Team Certificates for 1st Place in each section (top 4 scores one school).
USCF Players must keep their yearly memberships up to date. If your membership appears expired you must prove you have current membership (whether to join the USCF) or renew your scholastic membership for $12 (yearly fee) on-site.
- NOTE: Free Registration closes at the given limited number of entries before each tournament. No exceptions. You are required to check the website and see the name listings to make corrections before the tournament.
Please note, all free registrations for The Right Move must be made and posted on the website. Register early and check the posted list. Your careful preparation and cooperation ensures the continued success for all.