Arrival Check-in before 9:30. Rounds 10:00, 11:30, 12:45 and 2:00.
1 Find the check-in area and wait in line to have your name checked in from the registration list so that you will be paired for Round 1. Your name will be listed in alphabetical order of the section you are in with your last name, followed by your first name.
After you check-in find out where the pairings will be posted and the playing area for your section.
2 The time of the start of each round is clearly posted. The pairing chart showing your table number, color and opponent will be posted about 10 minutes prior to the start of each round.
3 If you have a clock you must start clocks promptly when the round begins. If you arrive 10 minutes late deduct 5 minutes from each player so all games will finish about the same time. Clocks with incorrect settings may be corrected by the TD. Follow directions of TD when unsure.
4 If neither player has a clock you may borrow one, splitting elapsed time, or you may start without a clock. After 30 minutes if your opponent is late you may claim a win on time.
Time to begin play
5 In case of a problem/dispute, stop clock and raise hand or get a TD.
6 Touch Move Rule: You must move a piece if you touch it and can move it legally. (In castling it is proper to touch the King first, but at The Right Move there is no penalty for touching the Rook first.) When capturing, promoting or castling, a player may use two hands.
7 All scoresheets should always be visible.
After you finish
8 As soon as your game ends raise your hand so that the result is recorded correctly. Then reset the pieces and leave the playing area. Even “quiet talk”, whisper, blitz, etc. is disturbing and not allowed.
9 Players may not use cellphones or other electronic devices while playing without permission of a Director. Devices used to play music, which cannot operate software, will generally be allowed if the opponent does not object.
10 Bullying or any form of rude behavior is unacceptable and should be reported as soon as possible to Brother John.
last updated: 8/15/2023