Serving you with The Right Move

October 15, 2017 Meeting of Corporation of the Board of The Right Move at Riverbank, New York, NY

Meeting called to order at 3:30     Attendance:    Brother John McManus, Eliot Weiss, Yvonne M. Scorcia, Marilyn C. Scorcia, Renée M. Scorcia, Alex Beasley, Henry J. Scorcia     Lawrence Chachere        Maria Chachere

  • Minutes from the June 2017 meeting approved
  • Once again set up and start were aided by the many volunteers who help bring tables and chairs and then set up the boards. Thanks to all for your cooperation in a job well done.
  • A job half-done is not finished.  Many adults remained before the awards ceremony to quietly put away the tables and chairs.  Your help was greatly appreciated!!!
  • Great big Special Thank You to PS 9 for sponsoring the tournament, providing resources for the awards and trophies, as well as rating fees.
  • Another special Thank You goes out to PS 116 for their thoughtfulness in arranging and delivering a donation of trophies


  • 11 vouchers sold
  • $273.00 in donations
  • $20.00 received for pre-check in for 2017 – 2018

New Business:

  • Tournament was started 15 minutes later and schedule was moved back to allow for  train delays which seemed unusually high.   This will not be done again.  Players must arrive on time to check in.
  • Playing conditions were sometimes unfair due to inconsiderate and unnecessary noise. This can not and will not be tolerated.  Players who make noise will be asked to leave, no warnings.
  • Much of the confusion comes from non players being in the tournament hall. This is not acceptable.  Parents, guardians and coaches best serve the players outside the tournament hall. No one but players and TD staff will be permitted to enter the Tournament Hall.


  • Beginning in December we will limit registration to 250 due to the number of tables and chairs available. (Alejandro Beasley) –passed by voice vote
  • To balance size of sections and make more competition Sections will be renamed to have more flexibility, being able to change the actual rating formula monthly (Sample for December, below):
    • King =  1301 and above
    • Queen =  U1300
    • Rook =   U900
    • Knight =   U500
    • Bishop =   U300 Gr 3 & Below
    • Pawn1 = Non-member grades 4-7
    • Pawn2 =  Non-member grades K-3
    • AWE = Non-rated adults welcome grade 8 & above

Inexperienced Kindergarten and 1st graders with USCF membership and rating under 200 may play in the unrated section  gr 2-3 but cannot win trophies.  –passed by voice vote.

Our tournament would not be possible without the generous contribution of their time and energy to the following individuals serving as recorders, runners and TD, etc.:

Alex Beasly                                                                     Eliot Weiss

Henry J. Scorcia                                                             Marilyn C. Scorcia

Renée M. Scorcia                                                         Yvonne M. Scorcia

Lawrence Chachere                                                    Lauren Ferline

Makoto Nozaki                                                             Dimitra Koutsantoni

Anne-Emmanuelle Mengestu

Motion to adjourn made by Maria Chachere at 4:05 – passed unanimously.  (Submitted by Renée M. Scorcia, Secretary)